by: Nathan Reo
It's a prediction that means this may be time to dig out the snow chains and thermal underwear.
The Met Office, using data generated by a £33million supercomputer, claims Britain can stop worrying about a big freeze this year because we could be in for a milder winter than in past years.
But this is the same equipment used to produce recent official seasonal forecasts – before those bulletins were axed in March after a string of much-criticised blunders.
These calamities included predicting a “BBQ summer” before the 2009 washout and then claiming there was only a one in seven chance of a chilly winter last year before the coldest few months for 31 years. And the new figures, which show a 60 per cent to 80 per cent chance of warmer-than-average temperatures this winter, were ridiculed last night by independent forecasters. The latest data comes in the form of a December to February temperature map on the Met Office’s website.
The eastern half of England, Cornwall, Scotland and Northern Ireland is in for temperatures above the 3.7C (38.6F) average, more than 2C warmer than last winter.
The map also shows a 40 per cent to 60 per cent probability that western England and Wales will be warmer than 3.7C (38.6F), with a much smaller chance of average or below-average temperatures.
But other experts maintain we are in for another big freeze. Positive Weather Solutions senior forecaster Jonathan Powell said: “It baffles me how the Met Office can predict a milder-than-average winter when all the indicators show this winter will have parallels to the last one.
“They are standing alone here, as ourselves and other independent forecasters are all predicting a colder-than-average winter.
“It will be interesting to see how predictions by the government-funded Met Office compare with independent forecasters.”
The Met Office figures are generated using historical weather patterns and long-term climate data.
Helen Chivers, Met Office forecaster, insisted the temperature map takes into account the influence of climate factors such as El Nino and La Nina – five-yearly climatic patterns that affect the weather – but admits this is only a “start point” for a seasonal forecast. She said: “The map shows probabilities of temperatures in months ahead compared to average temperatures over a 30-year period.
“Forecasters produced seasonal forecasts by using the computer projection combined with values for changes in factors after October.
“Forecasts like this are never simple but the data system is really useful and has made successful forecasts for other parts of the world.”
The IBM supercomputer, unveiled in May 2009 and 90 per cent funded by Government, has 15 million megabytes of memory and can make 125 trillion calculations every second.
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