Friday, 25 June 2010

Weather Action: June 2010

source: Weather Action

Weather Action Report

All the Very Extreme weather events of June (10-23) in Europe & USA confirm Long Range Solar driven predictions.

Simultaneous extreme events around world verify predictable solar cause;
-Major advance in forecast science
-More VERY EXTREME events coming in July - USA, Europe & world

All the 5 spells of VERY EXTREME deadly weather events from June 10th to 23rd predicted in long range by Piers Corbyn of WeatherAction for specific catastrophes in USA & Europe & simultaneous other events around the world were confirmed to the day; and the driving events from the Sun were reported in Solar & magnetic records.

The 5 most extreme, deadly weather event-periods were:

Thursday, 24 June 2010

International Climate Conference Proves “Skeptics” Champion Vibrant Discussion

source: The Heartland Institute
by: Dan Miller

Global warming is not a human-induced crisis, reported more than 70 speakers in three days of sessions at The Heartland Institute’s Fourth International Conference on Climate Change, May 16-18 in Chicago. Bringing together scientists, economists, and public policy experts from 23 countries, the conference proved not only that global warming is not a crisis, but also that “skeptics” can argue about the finer points of climate science without losing track of professional courtesy and civility.

Grilling Message, Not Messenger
Researcher Steve McIntyre presented the important events of the Climategate scandal for a rapt audience in the opening plenary. But at the conclusion of his 30-minute detailing of events before roughly 700 dinner guests, the Canadian scientist shunned audience pressure to proclaim a fraud or demand punishment for the scientists who in McIntyre’s estimation “offended” scientists and the public.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Antarctic Glacier Melting Due to Hidden Ice Ridge Not Global Warming

source: daily mail
by: Niall Firth

An underwater ridge could explain why a major glacier in the Antarctic is melting more quickly than ever before, according to a new study.

Scientists used a robot submarine to make a 3D map of the ocean under the ice shelf at the end of the Pine Island Glacier in western Antarctica.

They discovered that the ice was no longer resting on a subsea ridge that had slowed the glacier's slide until the early 1970s.

The discovery means that the glacier's more rapid melting in recent years could be due to the flow of warmer sea water beneath it rather than climate change, as had previously been believed.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Nasa: Solar Flares From 'Huge Space Storm' Will Cause Devastation

source: telegraph
by Andrew Hough

Britain could face widespread power blackouts and be left without critical communication signals for long periods of time, after the earth is hit by a once-in-a-generation “space storm”, Nasa has warned.

National power grids could overheat and air travel severely disrupted while electronic items, navigation devices and major satellites could stop working after the Sun reaches its maximum power in a few years.

Friday, 18 June 2010

July 2010 in Britain & Ireland (& around the world) by Piers Corbyn

source: weatheraction

15 June 2010 WeatherAction releases new 15-45 day ahead forecast for Britain & Ireland for July 2010 which REVISES the 30-60 day forecast under new forecast advances, making the already predicted deluges and floods more intense.

Piers Corbyn announced his new forecast advances - called Solar Lunar Action Technique No2a (SLAT2a), saying: "SLAT now supercedes SWT - Solar Weather Technique - and has greater skill in predicting severe deluges and consequent flooding. It explains the extreme ferocity of successfully predicted recent deluges and massive deadly floods in Europe and the USA*; and the ferocity of other mid-June deluges around the world such as in China", he said. *Here

Monday, 7 June 2010

A Preliminary Response to John Abraham — The Extremists Join the Climate Debate at Last!

By: Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

ONE of the numerous artifices deployed by the now-retreating climate-extremist movement has been the careful avoidance of any debate with anyone on the skeptical side of the case who happens to know anything about climate science or economics.

As the extremists lose the argument and become more desperate, that is changing. John Abraham, a lecturer in fluid mechanics at a college in Minnesota has recently issued – and widely disseminated – a hilariously mendacious 83-minute attempted rebuttal of a speech by me about the climate last October in St. Paul, Minn.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Sunspots May Predict Hurricanes as Well as Global Warming and Coooling

source: financialpost
by: Lawrence Solomon

Sunspots may have a more profound effect on Earth’s climate than previously understood, according to new research published in the scientific journal, Geophysical Research Letters, and presented to the American Meteorological Society.

The research, by Robert Hodges and Jim Elsner of Florida State University, looked at the frequency of hurricanes and sunspots from 1851 to 2008 during the Sun’s 11-year cycles. During periods of low sunspot activity, the researchers discovered, the probability of three or more hurricanes hitting the United States increases dramatically.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Global Cold Wave May Be Looming — This Time, the Science Is Good by Art Horn

source: climaterealist
by: Art Horn

La Nina, a solar minimum, and a massive volcanic eruption make a threesome of cold weather events not seen for two hundred years.

In a cosmically ironic twist of fate and timing, nature may be set to empirically freeze any and all anthropogenic global warming talk: a blast of Arctic cold may encase the earth in an icy grip not seen for 200 years.

This is not alarmist fantasy or 2012 babble — several natural forces that are known to cause cooling are awakening simultaneously, raising speculation of a “perfect storm” of downward pressures on global temperature. These forces let loose one at a time can cause the Earth to cool and can bring about harsh winter conditions. If they all break free at once, the effects could be felt not just in the coming winter, but year-round, and for several years to come.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Apollo Mission: A Giant Leap Contradicting Greenhouse Gas Theory

source: Suite101
by: John O'Sullivan

The paper, ‘A Greenhouse Effect on the Moon’ is a cogently-argued scientific refutation of the basic equations used by global warming theorists. Apparently, climate scientists may have incorrectly assumed Earth’s "average" temperature all along.

The study questions the numeric bedrock of the greenhouse gas theory (GHG) by applying data collected by NASA decades ago. It seems during the Apollo Moon landings era NASA devised a whole new set of hitherto unreported equations, more reliable than those relied upon by supporters of the GHG theory, to get Neil Armstrong's carbon boot prints safely planted on that airless Sea of Tranquility.